Economic Incentive Consulting

Our Customers Achieve up to 20% of Capital Investment & Millions of Dollars Back to their Bottom Line.

Take Advantage of Economic Incentives Packages

Economic Incentive Consulting – Economic incentive consulting from P3 Cost Analysts

When your business is faced with opportunities to expand, it’s a must to consider economic incentive procurement as part of company planning.

At P3 Cost Analysts, we help our clients add millions to their bottom line through economic incentive packages and consulting.

Many states will generally compete for jobs, so it’s critical for companies to be able to effectively negotiate and take advantage of state and local incentive programs.

Obtaining corporate growth incentives is not straightforward, requiring significant research, negotiations, and planning – at least six to nine months ahead of construction.

All too often, companies start the planning process too late and as a result, they miss out on the highest-level benefit opportunity.

Our Clients Have Saved Millions

Economic incentive consulting testimonial – property manager

, Economic Incentives

"Their experience and expertise has saved us thousands and thousands in a short period of time"

Eric V
Property Manager

Economic incentive consulting testimonial – restaurant manager

, Economic Incentives

"I candidly have never witnessed a relationship that was this easy and this beneficial for both parties"

Greg R
Quick Serve Restaurants

Economic incentive consulting testimonial – hotel group

, Economic Incentives

"P3 is a company that is reliably showing us value. They are such a pleasure to work with.”

Storm N
Hotel Group

Complete Expense Auditing Services

Your businesses needs don't stop at economic incentives and neither do your potential savings. Our Expense Audit will help you truly understand how your money is spent and where savings are available. In mamy cases, we can even get your company a refund for past overages.

Take Advantage of Third Party Auditing

Overall, your buying power is increased when you involve a third party because companies as a group can receive lower prices versus a single enterprise. Plus the convenience enjoyed by referring sales people, quotes and billing questions to us means you have more time to focus on your business.

Typical opportunities include:

  • Local property tax moratoriums
  • State level employment credits
  • State level investment credits
  • Sales tax exemptions on project investment
  • Training grants for re-training, new jobs, and apprenticeships
  • Utility rate discounts
  • Infrastructure improvement assistance

Leveraging our seasoned team of economic incentive experts will add decades of experience to advocate for maximum-level incentives that typically achieve a benefit of 5% – 20% of capital investment and millions of dollars back to your bottom line.

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